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World Class Painting System

Welcome To Our Company

TechExpert India Pvt. Ltd

Techexpert is a group company of Consultech that has acquired rich experience of 20 years. Our best quality systems, excellent service backup, unmatched superior workmanship, and user-friendly design are our specialties. We also offer consultancy in plant operations and maintenance of the equipment. We design and manufacture the equipment meeting customer’s exact requirements for optimum production output & total satisfaction for our customers.
We are the leading designers and manufacturers of surface coating plants and equipment. We offer total solutions in the field of surface coatings, from consultancy, designing, engineering, and commissioning of tailor-made systems for powder coating, liquid paint coating, and metal pretreatment for all types of applications requirement of finished coating for industrial and consumer goods.

World Class Painting System

Our complete range of Surface Coating Solutions includes mainly manual and automatic painting systems (conveyor and robotics), automatic and manual powder coating systems, spray or dip surface treatment plants, dry paint spray booths, CED coating plants, and standard paint booths (wet and dry types).

We also deal in nano-coating technology. We cater to all industrial and consumer goods applications, delivering finished coatings that meet specific requirements.

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